November Reflections


November is a strange month. (In the Northern Hemisphere at least)

The excitement of Halloween is over, gardens have faded, the silly season isn’t quite here yet & the snow shovel has made a very unwelcome return.

But as much as this month seems like the dramatic pause before all chaos breaks loose, I find it to be a perfect time to pour myself a hot cuppa (or few) and reflect. Of course on the 11th, this reflection is focused on those who died in the line of duty. But for the rest of this still point, we can choose to reflect on where we are and re-frame where we plan to go this silly season and beyond, into the new year.

Now the idea of reflecting on a plan might seem daunting, but this doesn’t have to be. The daunting part might actually come from cluttering our minds with the whole project, start to finish. Perhaps reflection instead, could be used as an easy and portable method for gaining clarity.

Reflection can be the act of dusting off and making room on our mental bookshelves. Each item on each shelf is full of hopes, dreams, ideas and/or past experience. Some of these things are not our own, they were gifts. Offerings from well meaning friends, families or strangers, filled with the shoulds, coulds and woulds they wished for our futures. Absolutely, some of those stories and ideas may align, but others may not. Reflection is a way of sorting through each item, ensuring our shelves are filled with our own stuff. The stories and knowledge that will serve us to navigate our own paths, to our own dream and desire fulfillment.

And don't worry, there is no right way, or wrong way to reflect.

Myself? I tend to clean through my bookshelves differently every time. That way I feel sure that I've shaken loose any dusty ideas that aren’t my own. (They have a funny way of sneaking back onto my shelf, when I am not paying attention).

What dusty ideas could you benefit from shaking loose?

If you can imagine a couple, then grab yourself a warm, soothing cuppa and settle into your own November reflection.

Wishing you a warm and very clear November.


ps. Make sure to include tactile tools in your reflection. Coloured pens, journals, stickers, warm food, soothing tea and whatever else it takes for you to enjoy this process. Making it fun is a surefire way of making it happen.