Holiday Colour

In a flash, the holiday season is upon us and 2020 is quickly coming to a close.

A heartfelt Thank You! for your support in 2020.

With gratitude, I have uploaded this illustration as a colouring page HERE

It’s also under my Free Content/Subscribers Library tab.

Currently, all visitors to have access to this holiday gift.

Happy Holidays & see you in 2021.

ps. Post & share your coloured pages with the hashtag #moecreativecolour (Yep, that’s colour with a U)

Let it Grow!

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Sometimes you just have to let it grow.

Ideas, skills and projects, like seeds, do their best when they germinate and mature in their own time.

That means, sometimes I don’t have as much to share on this blog as I’d like.

For sure, contemplating the garden wisdom of letting things grow is invaluable, timeless and can be applied to countless situations and scenarios. But you may have tuned in here specifically to find out what’s happening at Moe Creative. Especially since there’s always a project or few on the go.

The easiest way to learn about everything that's happening is by becoming a friend of Moe Creative. Not only will you get the scoop regarding what’s up in the studio. You’ll also get insider access to every Moe Creative creation before it’s released to the public. (Even first dibs on Gallery/show work)

How can you get this kind of access?

How can you know that I won’t bombard you with e-mails?

Simple. Subscribe to my free monthly newsletter called Fresh !nk.

Add your e-mail below, it’s that effortless. Seriously.

Plus as an added bonus, I will never share your info., so you're e-mail’s safe with me.

Subscribe now and I look forward to welcoming you to the Moe Creative Family.

Because life is always better when enjoyed together.



ps. This idea of letting it grow is a riff on my upcoming digital magazine which takes the same concept in a slightly different direction. This magazine, called Coffee with Moe, will be released to friends in April 2020. Until then, you are welcome to read any past issues here: Coffee with Moe Back Issues

Hindsight is 20-20

It's 2020!

What do you want out of this decade?

Have you any idea?

A twinge of desire, or two?

If ever there was a time to start a new way of being, why not now?

We can look back at the last decade or few with 20/20 vision (Pun intended) and decide if we're happy with our status quo or if we're driven to explore a better version of our lives and selves.

You may catch yourself thinking: It's easy to get motivated to the idea of change in January, but how do I keep up the momentum? (Especially if failure to commit was a hiccup struggled with in the past)


I propose that we explore engaging our best selves together.

For 2020 and beyond I have gathered all of my most memorable learning experiences and aha moments to share with you in a series of newsletters* and new issues of Coffee with Moe magazine. At any time, I welcome you to challenge and question the perspectives that I hold true for myself and seek if they hold true for you.

Exploring familiar mountains and valley's in our own unique landscapes will certainly make for more sure footed, truly authentic and strong versions of ourselves. Join me as we dig into this being human and the creative wisdom that we may have forgotten we possess. I know that moving forward in even the babiest of steps has the potential to solidify your future as a much happier, self reliant and accomplished being (whatever that means for you!)

Let's do this!

Because coffee (and life) is always better, when enjoyed together.




*My free newsletter: Fresh !nk makes it easy consume every single monthly morsel (e-mail).

What's in it for you?

- Access to exclusive pdfs (Starting in 2021)

- Coffee with Moe Magazine delivered straight to your inbox

- Company updates, highlights & links

- Pre-Release dibs on new artwork, openings for commissioned work & more

Nurturing November

It’s a strange thing, November.

Winter is waffling about it’s arrival. The madness of September and celebrations of October a memory, while the silly season hasn’t quite begun. What to do about a strange little month like this? Sure if you live in the US or are American, you have Thanksgiving to look forward to, but for the rest of us, it’s kind of an in between that can potentially become an abyss of lost time.

I like to think of November as a nurturing month. A time to restore my coffers while preparing for the silly season and new year ahead. Each morning after enjoying some well deserved coffee time with my hubby Chris, I start up a second brew of sliced ginger and lemon in my dutch oven, get some chill music fired up and prepare my paints, writing or whatever I am planning to tackle for the day. With a few games of fetch with the kitties* under my belt, they settle in for a nap and I settle into my day.

My agenda** for restoration in November revolves around hydration, nourishing soups, field trips, early nights, plenty of naps and walks in nature while accomplishing any sort of self care that I’ve put off for the sake of busier times.

My agenda for preparation is all about creating touchstones along a loosely cleared path. Day-timers are inked, supplies and rooms are decluttered, goals are dreamed up, written about and broken down into digestible morsels.

My life may unfold much differently than I idealize, but I feel more deeply prepared for whatever may lie ahead when December and the new year roll around.

How do you make the most of your November?

Does it leave you feeling nurtured?

If not, what seeds might you plant to allow your future & self to grow?

Until next month, enjoy the time that you create.



*Playing fetch with Nala & Talulah helps to satisfy their drive to hunt. This allows them to safely and sanely be indoor cats.

**Agenda might sound like a busy word, but really, it just means writing things down and blocking off time so that what you wish for or plan on will actually happen.

Simple Pleasures

After a hectic day of navigating demands, emotions and traffic, it's easy to feel depleted to the core. Besides getting enough sleep, how can you fill your cup back up again? With the simple pleasures in life of course.

Does the idea of finding time to commit to simple pleasures, seem more far fetched and laughable than the reality of your hectic schedule?

NO worries.

It'll only take 5, to grab a cuppa something warm and soothing, while joining me for the latest edition of Coffee with Moe. Here we'll explore some easily digestible wisdom from throughout the ages. Touchstones that may spark an evolution in the way you approach each day. A natural unfolding of a more satisfied and fulfilled you.

See you inside the pages of Coffee with Moe, because coffee is better together.



Click here:

For the latest edition of Coffee with Moe

Switching Off

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I switched off for the month of August.

It was great.

But let's be honest.

Life doesn't literally switch off. I'd likely need the help of a powerful house-elf to pull off that kind of magic.

I'm not saying I don't have mad skills, I do. I'm just saying, a full-stop only piles life's to-do/must-do lists until tomorrow. Not ever, a winning strategy.

The switch that actually flipped chez* Moe Creative, had more to do with simplifying objectives & creating space for new opportunities. A clean sweeping of outdated

shoulds, art supplies and all, that without attention, would start clogging up both mental and physical piggy banks.

There was plenty of work to be done.

And so, August swept past.

Waking to a resumed and somewhat modified routine this morning, September 3rd, didn't feel forced as some Septembers have. Instead, I woke feeling ready, clear and raring to go.

As though, perhaps, those antiquated and no longer essential parts of life did in fact switch off.

I trust your September is feeling as charged!

XO -Moe

* Chez is the French meaning for: At the home of

Adjusting the Sails

Things are always changing.

It's the nature of life, love and of owning a business. Sometimes change is so subtle, it's like a steady wind slowly reshaping the landscape. Other times, it moves like a swift gale altering our voyage. Most often, it's somewhere in between.

Regardless of the size, shape or reason for each change, after a while it becomes easier to see that each shift has it's reason, it's season and to push against the current brings more strife than is necessary. Going with the flow can still have it's challenges, but it keeps things fresh, rolling forward and can lead to unexpected destinations.

In a business like Moe Creative, personal feedback is a fluid first-hand opportunity to inform change. But it's not always practical. Life is busy and you have your own projects to navigate. I get it, and this is where a little tool called Analytics comes into play. Analytics is a statistical tool that businesses can use to see customer preferences and inform meaningful change in business.

After reviewing my site's analytics, I noticed that you favor the Spring and Fall editions of Coffee with Moe. This made sense. Each edition arrives in time for a seasonal transition in your own focus. Listening to these stats, means that I will happily provide you with new editions of Coffee with Moe exactly when you want to read them. The gap in editions will allow time for the continued evolution and journey of my creative self, i.e. Moe Creative. So much potential for new ways that I can explore, create and deliver inspired writing and work.

For now, I wish you a gorgeous summer (Or cozy winter my southern hemisphere friends)

Without you, I wouldn't be able to do what I love.

Many hugs & so much gratitude,

{♥} Moe

In The Weeds

As I was tootling around the garden, thinking about what I might write to you this month, a little face smiled up at me. What luck!* There wasn’t a creature in my garden, but rather the happy face of a viola, right smack in the middle of my path. Now, some people would call this sweet flower a weed, but to me violas are a welcome and fabulous volunteer.

“Right”, I can almost hear you say,

“Aren’t weeds and volunteer plants basically the same thing?”

Almost, with the difference being a matter of perceived value. Weeds are plants that have zero medicinal or beneficial qualities to you. Weeds are plants that choke out plants you love with seemingly nothing but a bullish agenda to survive. Volunteers on the other hand, are plants that have value in a variety of ways, who may just require a little relocating or deadheading from time to time.


Violas, perhaps better known by their common name of Johnny jump-ups, are a pretty addition to any garden. In the edible garden, they work as a deterrent for cabbage moths, plus they transplant easily into any raised bed and sunny nook or cranny that may need an extra pop of happy colour.

In the kitchen they can be used either candied or plain to beautify desserts, salads or veggie plates. Containing both Vitamin C & A, along with a powerful type of antioxidant called Anthocyanin, viola’s prove to be more than just a weed or another pretty face.

What can you do if you’d like viola’s, but currently have none?

Collect a volunteer plant from a neighbor or friend’s yard and allow it to go to seed** Seed can also be purchased from a reputable seed distributor. I personally like West Coast seeds. (no, I’m not an affiliate, nor am I sponsored by W.C.S., I just trust the quality of their seeds)

With this pretty face in mind, the next time you’re digging in the “weeds”, take back some of your own precious time by seeing viola’s and other, beneficial to you, plants as the volunteers they could be, while just letting nature be, as nature is, for the time being.

Want to learn more about beneficial volunteers?

Subscribe and stay tuned for the next issue of Coffee with Moe coming to Subscribers Inboxes on July 11th.

Until then, happy gardening!



*To find out my thoughts on luck (& a few ways to get lucky-er), read Coffee with Moe: HERE

**Going to seed means allowing at least a few flowers to stay on each plant without being picked or deadheaded. By doing this, you are ensuring that this or any other free-seeding flower will have the opportunity to develop some mature seed and self-propagate into the gardening season to come.

Ebb & Flow




It’s not a popular task with gardeners or anyone who owns any size tract of land. Why does weeding evoke such eye twitching disdain? I’ll sum it up in 3 words:



I’ll give you two easy ways to mellow the irksome feeling that weeding evokes. Both give you permission to cut down on the sweat equity associated with weeding.

Early in our gardening season, we can concede to the fact that weeds are important food sources for pollinators. This implies that simply deadheading faded flowers for a few minutes each evening is a better idea than spending hours digging them all out. Honest, it’s for the bees. ;-)

The second way we can lessen our weedy angst is by leveraging the experience of others.  The Farmer’s Almanac can help us understand the best days for planting and weeding alike.  Merely a google search away, the almanac can help you decide when exactly you’re best to plant and it also points out all days considered barren planting days. These days are also known as the perfect times to tidy beds through weeding, cleaning up last year’s remains and dealing with garden pests.

For example, here are the best weeding days (i.e. days not to plant) for May:






Doesn’t it take the edge off gardening knowing when you can do what?? Especially if you are caught up and know you can take a day or two off to sip some well-deserved lemonade?!

As a bonus, you may have noticed that in my bullet journal, I’ve written out a couple simple and cheap recipes for insect soap. I’ve used these recipes with great success, keeping aphids and other pests under control, if not eradicated.

Here are those recipes again:


5Tbsp Castille Soap* + 1 Gallon water


1 Heavy Tbsp Castille Soap* + 1 Quart water

*Plain Castille soap can be found in most grocers and pharmacy’s .  Use plain soap as the addition of essential oils may harm your plant’s leaves and root system.

Happy gardening!



ps. Have you checked out the latest edition of Coffee with Moe? It’s free, it’s all about creating some Spring-time Serendipity and I made it with you mind. (XO) CLICK HERE

Springtime Serendipity

Are you feeling Lucky?


If you aren’t feeling it , I’ve got you covered.

In the latest edition of Coffee with Moe, I explore a Serendipitous Spring on your behalf.

Where does Serendipity come from, where does she go?

How on earth can you harness luck?

We’ll even pan for gold together.

Tuning into the latest edition of Coffee with Moe isn’t only a great opportunity to take 5, as you flip and sip we’ll virtually dream, explore and create some new ways of being together.

Let’s grab a cuppa.


ps. There are 3 ways to read the latest issue of Coffee with Moe:

  1. Click on the image/ Magazine Cover included in this article.

  2. Click on this link

  3. Open the Digital Magazine Tab to access this and all past issues of Coffee with Moe

Mustering the Spirit of Adventure

March may be strolling in like a freezing cold hearted lion, but there’s no mistaking that our time to start planning and scheming for warmer weather adventures is on our doorstep.

But here's the rub.

Sometimes after a long winter spent avoiding outdoor adventures, you might be feeling a bit lethargic and uninspired. How can you shake this sedentary feeling?

Here are my top 5 ways to get back into the adventurous groove.

1. Make a list

What motivates you? Make a list and put everything on it. Nothing is too big or too small.

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Make sure your list includes things you enjoy that you’ve done before and also things that you’ve always wanted to try.

2. Follow through

Things that don't get scheduled usually don't happen. I could spout off a bunch of data that proves this fact, but I am betting you have a few personal examples in your back pocket. Start by scheduling smaller adventures that take very little time and effort while working your way up to more intricate multiple day adventures.

3. Phone a friend

Nobody said that adventure had to happen while you were alone. Sometimes it's much easier to start traveling, camping, orhiking with a friend before you even contemplate going it alone. Afterall, with a friend by your side, everything seems more do-able.

4. Go solo!

Think big, but start small. If you overwhelm or scare yourself too much, you're more likely to shrink back into the safety of things you've always done. Being scared is OK, but acting wisely is essential. (think busy street vs dark alley). Do what it takes to feel prepared for anything, so that you can shake off the majority of your worries before you even step out the front door.

5. Contemplate a do-over

Explore the possibility of doing better, being better and rewriting a past gone awry. Sure you may have completely failed at your first or second attempt of any past adventure. We all have to learn somehow. If the experience didn't leave a completely sour taste in your mouth, do it again. Now that you are armed with the wisdom you've gained from your perceived failures, imagine the places you can go.


What are you thinking about that first long weekend camping trip or perhaps the planning of some day trips, warmer weather hiking, camping, patio time or simply gallivanting into the extended day-lit hours? Will you be creating enough warm weather memories to carry you through another long winter season?

Go for it!

Lunar Launch

It’s Lunar a.k.a. Chinese New Year & the start of the 2019 Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Pig.

If a polar vortex has you by the cold snap, there is nothing that will warm you up faster than a great celebration and with great timing, we arrive at the Lunar New Year. The perfect way to bring in the spring.

Yah, that’s right, I said SPRING.

Because even though it's more than -30° Celcius (-22° F) outside and the polar chill is gripping, the Lunar New Year celebrations are a fabulous way to warm up to the notion of spring.

Don't worry if you're coming by this blog post later than February 5th. You haven't missed out on the springtime fun. The Lunar New Year, is actually the start of a 15 day long Spring Festival that starts at the first new moon with Lunar/

Chinese New Year and ends on the first full moon with the somewhat infamous and certainly beautiful Lantern Festival. In many asian communities, it's yummy food, frivolity and family celebration for a whole two weeks.

As much as food, family and festivities all play prominent rolls in this long spring festival, Astrology also stakes it's claim. This first moon cycle of the year welcomes a brand new Zodiac sign to influence the celestial waves of the coming year. In 2019, Chinese Astrology welcomes the year of the Pig. An animal that historically was thought of as a sign of wealth and fortune.

So join me this year in celebrating the end of the coldest days, the coming of spring & all of the potential that a new and fortunate year of the pig might have to offer each and everyone of us.

Kung Hei Fat Choy

(Wishing you great happiness and prosperity)


Can you Imagine!

It's a new year, with 300+ days of pure potential & opportunity ahead of us.

What are you looking for in 2019?

Whatever your agenda, it's possible that boosting your imagination might be your golden ticket.


Because imagination is at the very foundation of your creativity, it is the enemy of your boredom and it is what flexes that all important mental muscle known as your brain.

Pretty important, right? Well, here's the rub. All that potential overwhelm and residual tension from 2018 is only getting in your way. Your job is to get a grip on any negative emotions or thoughts about the past and resolve them before they continue to deplete your imagination.

How do you do that? It's not necessarily easy, but it IS do-able. And here are 3 thoughts to get you started:


1. Start Free Writing. (Also called Morning Pages) I write about it on page __ in the latest issue of Coffee with Moe and it's your direct access at starting the process of working through and moving through your past to where you want to be now and can provide you with a road map to your future.

2. Collect your head. Sure you can start with Free writing, but what do you do with all the ideas you're generating. You don't want them sitting abandoned in a book. There are a few solutions for the collection of your minds gems. Look up mind mapping or create a visual board (also called a vision board) that represents your ideas and thoughts.

3. Check your mind-set. Are you stuck in your ways and pretty stubborn? While there are some beautiful benefits of these attributes (Drive, follow through etc.) the dark side of these attributes can keep you stuck in patterns you might be better off ditching.  Wish to understand more about what your mindset might be?  There's an excellent book by Dr Carol Dweck called Mindset, oddly enough. I recommend it to everyone, if only for a better understanding of yourself, some clarity on the actions of others and how you might get evn better at being you.

With these ideas in your back pocket, you'll be sure to have the tools required to make 2019 your best year ever. Enjoy the journey towards imagining and executing on the life of your dreams.

Happy 2019.

Sewing up 2018

A big hug of gratitude to everyone who made it to Canmore for the Artists of Elk Run Open Studio Tour. The word on the street was that everyone was having a fantastic time. With glass blowing, pottery, art and sculpting demos, there was a peak into every artist's process and so much more. The weekend offered a bevy of opportunities to see, explore and connect. Those who visited Saturday were even honored to see his honor the mayor of Canmore John Borrowman throwing in his former (now his daughter's) Pottery Studio, Of Cabbages & Kings.

While the weekend flew by, every moment was deeply memorable and so much fun.

As Peig Abbott Sculpture's guest artist, I spent my days meeting locals, visitors, catching up with some of you, rubbing elbows with exceptional Bow Valley talent and talking art. It was brilliant. If that weren't enough, the reception to my work itself? Well, it simply blew me away. Plenty of kind words, positive feedback and many interesting discussions with fellow Bird Nerds. I loved every minute of it!

From the Bird Nerd series: Sew Many Birds

From the Bird Nerd series: Sew Many Birds

Who knew there were so many of us lovely nerds out there!?!

At the moment, I am back in the reality of my studio with a warm cup of tea (coffee is my morning meditation) and the smell of warmed wax in the air. The work goes on, while the memories of the Open Studio Tour are clear and just as warming as the cup in my hand.

*** For anyone interested in the remaining 5 birds:

(The American Finch, Swans, Wren, Junco & Magpie)

A link for purchase will be made available on this post/website Friday December 14th.
New birds are set to be release to the public Friday February 15th*

*All work and sales are pre-released to subscribers 10 days before they are made public.

Open Studio Tour

How are you all doing?

About this time every year, I let you know about a really great studio tour in Canmore, Alberta. This quaint mountain town is the perfect place to spend a weekend and the Artist's of Elk Run Open Studio Tour is the perfect place to start your holiday shopping or maybe even pick up an original treasure for yourself.

There's sculpture, pottery, jewellery, acrylic art, glass and this year, I'm joining the roster of artists showing work during the weekend long event. Yes, I know, my studio is not in Canmore, it's here in Calgary. But I have been invited, it's a great honor and so I will set up a small showing of some of my current Mixed Media Encaustic Beeswax and Resin pieces. You'll be able to find me inside the Studio of Peig Abbott Sculpture. (Map & all participating studios listed below)

Art from my Sew Many Birds series that showcases some of the awesome birds of Alberta will be available for viewing and purchasing. I really look forward to seeing you and sharing my natural touchstones with you at Peig Abbott's Sculpture Studio. I'll be there all day Saturday and Sunday, so swing by and say hello. I'd love to introduce you to a very cool community of artists that in themselves, are really worth the day trip to Canmore.

See you there.


ps. Here is a link to an article on the event from The Rocky Mountain Outlook

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Perfect Timing

Canadian Thanksgiving has perfect timing.

Us Northerners are seeing our first flakes of snow, which will set the tone for several months to come. It's enough to make the most cheerful of us a little grumpy and hibernation inclined.

No sooner does this inclination hit, then in swoops Thanksgiving to kindly remind us that our thoughts serve us far better when focused in a more productive and positive way. To anchor us into this grateful perspective are celebrations with family and friends, exchanged blessings, gestures and kindnesses. It's brilliant.


If our sense of positivity starts turning sideways, then we are given another boost at the end of October with the festive fun of Halloween. A chance for us to renew our perspective or at least shake our dark-side out in the way of dressing up and acting out our doppelgangers to purge them from our system.

October has a well laid plan to keep our chin up as we head into the darker days of winter that lay ahead. If we learn our lessons of thankful appreciation in the early days of this autumn, we can harness the tools of gratitude, social grace and perhaps a little role playing just for the fun of it.

With much gratitude, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving & October


ps. What are you grateful for?

I’m grateful for many things including the latest edition of Coffee with Moe.

Click here to read it now!

Gimme Strength!


Ready or not, here it is!

Welcome to September.

Isn't it incredible? With the flip of a calendar page, life begins to feel all scheduled and chaotic?

If scheduling mayhem wasn't bad enough. It seems that work, school and life attracts a series of worry riddled to-dos as well (Ack!)

If you gotten on this worry train, its time to think about getting off.  Life just doesn't have to go down this way!

Here are 5 Tips (or are they Tricks) that I use, in no particular order, to rid myself of any worries that may be rattling around in my thoughts. Try them all and pick what works for you.

1. Write on!

The best way to sort it out, is to write it out. Just 20 minutes a day will do you right. How is writing it out better than talking it out? When you talk, you get other people's opinions. When you write, your own ideas take form. While there are many studies that applaud the benefits of writing, the value in first hand experience will prove its value to you with a few weeks.

2. Just say "NO"

A common reason for overwhelm is that we're not so great at just saying NO. Absolutely this takes practice, but it's certainly worth it. Saying no doesn't mean your being a jerk or failing those around you. It's simply an act of making sure that when you do show up, you have the time and energy to be fully present.

3. Schedule It

That's right, you're the boss of you, not your worries. So set a time to deal with worrying when it's convenient for you. And I mean schedule it. You're not fooling anyone if you're not blocking off time to deal with and mentally move through your worries. When neglected, worries will just sneak up on you in wildly unpredictable ways. So take care of business before it takes care of you.

4. Set your Watch

Don't ignore your worries, just manage the amount of time you spend wallowing in them. Set a timer and swiftly work through what the worst could be, how you'd handle it so that nothing will catch you off guard and then take your first, then second step into Tip 5.

5. Rehearse your success.

I know. Sounds strangely simple. Lets face it, we'll spend so much time mulling over what could go wrong. What exactly might happen if we started mulling over what could go right? Why not give it a try. If you are going to think about whatever situation is driving your worries, why not flip the script and focus on a positive outcome. Who knows. Maybe with some extra time spend positively pondering, we might think up new solutions to make what we want an easier reality.

Give these tips a try.  I'd love to hear what you found helpful to ease the worries in your mind.

Happy exploration & happy September.

WANTED: The best Summer EVER!

(Boredom need not Apply)


No matter what you call it, inspiration is usually easier to find in the summertime. Without the limitations of cold or short daylight hours, we can wander, sift and move through our spaces with more ease. Whether you dwell in a town, city or the country, summer rhythms open our lives to finding new ways to amuse ourselves, constantly.

Going outside is one of the easiest ways to beat boredom and get inspired in endless ways. If you're not really a walker, runner or team sport enthusiast, then just simply stop and look around. There is a wild world around us that we often don't stop to notice. Yah, I'm talking the whole idea of smelling the roses and/or even growing them?!

You might not dig the whole idea of full blown gardening, which can be quite the task, but even the average tiny home or apartment owner can grow a pot or two of herbs or flowers. It can be immensely satisfying to see the change and take part in the growing process of something, especially if you can eat it in the end


(There are a lot of pretty and edible flowers out there salad lovers & bakers).

If your thumbs are more brown than green, long summer days & a cheap umbrella can offer you the option of turning your deck, stoop or part of your yard into an extra room. You're budget and more importantly imagination are the only limitations when it comes to what kind of room you create. Personally, I work, garden, cook, eat, read and gather outside with friends whenever the weather permits it. On occasion I've even turned the yard into a late night movie venue with the use of an extension cord, my work projector and a portable film screen. (And popcorn of course)

In the past, we've camped in our yard with family, it can become a water park for kids, mobile animal grooming facility, paint studio or simply the perfect venue to plunk down a chair or blanket and catch up on your summer reading or early morning coffee meditations. (And don't forget, your local park can become a pop-up room, if you otherwise lack outdoor space)

It's plain to see, with a little thought and however much elbow grease you're willing to volunteer, inspiration is as close at hand as you make it. To really get your summer rolling, start by asking: What do you want? Enjoy? OR how do you feel like spending your time?

Take whatever answers come up as  inspires you drive boredom from your summer thoughts and vocabulary. Fill yourself instead, with laughter, levity and memories that will last a lifetime.