Perfect Timing

Canadian Thanksgiving has perfect timing.

Us Northerners are seeing our first flakes of snow, which will set the tone for several months to come. It's enough to make the most cheerful of us a little grumpy and hibernation inclined.

No sooner does this inclination hit, then in swoops Thanksgiving to kindly remind us that our thoughts serve us far better when focused in a more productive and positive way. To anchor us into this grateful perspective are celebrations with family and friends, exchanged blessings, gestures and kindnesses. It's brilliant.


If our sense of positivity starts turning sideways, then we are given another boost at the end of October with the festive fun of Halloween. A chance for us to renew our perspective or at least shake our dark-side out in the way of dressing up and acting out our doppelgangers to purge them from our system.

October has a well laid plan to keep our chin up as we head into the darker days of winter that lay ahead. If we learn our lessons of thankful appreciation in the early days of this autumn, we can harness the tools of gratitude, social grace and perhaps a little role playing just for the fun of it.

With much gratitude, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving & October


ps. What are you grateful for?

I’m grateful for many things including the latest edition of Coffee with Moe.

Click here to read it now!