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Where do you find harmony?

I find it while watching bees buzz from flower to flower.

I find it when I am near the sound, smell or motion of water.

I find it in the quiet of an early morning

I find it behind the lens

I find it on those days when the snow falls like goose-down.

I find it while laughing with friends.

I find it in the simple rhythm of my breath…


I find it among the weeds, in the pouring rain and in the same exact place that I find chaos. Why’s that?  Because harmony doesn’t have to live by any rules. Sure, we all have formulas in mind for it, but harmony doesn’t need to listen, it doesn’t need to oblige. It will show up looking different for every single person in a crowded room and then reinvent itself again, and again. That’s the spirit of it.

Harmony is the steady companion to everything crazy, chaotic and haphazard you could ever think of. It’s the calm before the storm, the eye of the storm and the calm right after. The peaceable nature of harmony is always there to lend contrast, introduce a paradox or shine some sort of unifying light.

Harmony seems quite happy to have its finger in every pie. It shows up on the worst of days, the most mundane and of course, shows up for the very best. It’s happy for us to notice it, feel it and enjoy it. Even so, harmony can seem elusive at times. Mostly because we can get so completely focused on the latest social, political or personal madness.

But not you, right?  You know that shifting your focus is attitude altering and likely to help you find the harmony you seek.  In fact, I bet you can’t wait until the next time things start getting a little out of hand.  Just so that you can smile to yourself and think:

Ready or Not, here I come!