The Biggy Smalls
/Life can get pretty hectic (a lot of the time) and while I could wax poetic about the crazy of busy all day, I can also cut to the quick. (Let's go for option B shall we? )
I think we impose a lot of our hectic onto ourselves. Quite often in the name of success, money, love, happiness etc. (I am as guilty as the next guy) And while I agree that goals are important, brave & necessary to thwart stagnation. Lofty goals simply can't get accomplished every day, or month, or even year, so we sometimes need the help of other inspiration to keep driving us forward.
Enter in the small stuff.
Now, when I talk "small" & "Inspiration", I am not talking about new smaller goals, or side projects Aren't we already busy enough? I am talking about spontaneous happenings like: The joy in a bright shiny day; the toe tapping goodness of a perfect song at the perfect time; an unexpected personal win or a sparkling interaction with the world (etc). When you are balancing that eye on the prize, with the noticing & celebrating of many smaller joys. Life truly becomes a magnet for daily greatness of all sizes.
So... I ask you. The next moment you find yourself caught up in thought, switch your focus to noticing which small everyday wonders have gifted themselves to you lately. I bet there are lots, once you start thinking of it. Perhaps those unexpected wee things that sneak into your happy place might just pile up high enough to become their own very BIG things in the end.
A few finely feathered recent moments...
Top: A nuthatch checking me out
Bottom: A sweet adult Northern Saw-Whet owl that snuggled into my hand for a pet after an unfortunate run in with my neighbor's picture window.
(thanks to my neighbor T. for this pic. of me with the owl)