Digging into What Matters
/What’s your idea of a great life?
Are you living it now?
Could things be better?
What can you do about it… today?
When faced with these kinds of “digging deep” questions, I often find myself consulting with my inner child. You may laugh or think it strange, but let me tell you why this can be such an important perspective. I am not looking for a child-ish answer. I am looking to tap back into my child-like, unjaded enthusiasm for life. An enthusiasm that is free from a lifetime of collected barriers that tap dance loudly on my shoulder, like little disgruntled garden gnomes.
Your gnomes are likely different than mine, but we all have a few, who keep faithfully dancing around why we shouldn’t, couldn’t, mustn’t, can’t... I’m sure you get the picture. If you observe these little beasties, they seem like they’re only trying to help. They may come equipped with a familiar voice that sounds like concern and wellbeing. Yet, too often their limitations are built on false, unfounded or simply outdated ideals.
An Image of Me at Age 1 . (Picture courtesy of my Uncle T.)
How do you access your inner cutie? (Instead of those pesky, misguided gnomes?)
It’s easiest to start by looking at a happy picture of yourself at a very young age. A picture you like, where you are looking into the camera is best. Put this pic on your phone for easy access. Now, boldly look into your sweet innocent eyes and slowly ask yourself the questions you need to get answered. Observe your real-time self. What is coming up for you? How, if asked, would you guide this little version of you to the right decision?
Is this process adding clarity? Observe closely. It’s common for the gnomes to try and sneak in a doubt or two.
At heart, this process is very much like riding a bicycle.
In the beginning, there may be a few scraped knees and certainly some wobbly starts. But with practice, you’ll be hopping aboard and taking your inner child for a spin anytime you need practical and personal guidance.
Start today, by uploading that picture and be sure to have some fun getting reacquainted with your child-like self. Then, when life needs a tweak or some full blown change, you’ll be equipped to tap into, not tap dance around your ideal life.